Author Archives: gotechsolution

Install Magento2 on localhost

we can download magento2 in 3 ways.
1) Direct Download
3) Using GIT

Before install magento2 on localhost, we need to check is our server
fulfill the Magento2 system requirement or not. Check the below link.

<strong>Using Window/Linux operating System without composer:-</strong>

Step1: Download magento from magento website using below url.

Put that zip folder to your root path (/var/www/html/) and unzip it.

Step2: Rename the folder name as per your project name and give the 777 permission of that folder.

Step3: create a db on your local machine.

Step4: Run that url on your local browser
http://localhost/YOURPOJETCNAME/setup/ (On step 2 folder name)

Step5: Now follow your browser steps and install magento2 latest version on your local machine.

NOTE:- If you are installing first time Magento2 on your localhost. I suggest don’t
use composer due to chceck magento2 system requirment either compatible or not.

Hide Shipping method from cart page in magento

you can Hide Shipping method from cart page in magento on 2 ways

1 way to hide current shipping method on cart through Qutoe:-

$quote = Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCart()->getQuote();
$shippingMethod = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingMethod();

2 way to hide current shipping method on cart through Session:-
